Suits has already achieved cult status amongst law students, and with good reason. Every episode there are new lessons to be learnt at Pearson Hardman. Here are a few of the best lessons from Suits…
Lesson 1: Dress the part
When Harvey Specter said the words, “People respond to how we’re dressed”, he couldn’t have given law students a better piece of advice. You will soon be selling a service and clients will expect you to look the part of the educated, legal mastermind that they believe you to be.
Lesson 2: Don’t be afraid to ask for help
When Mike needs to file a patent confirmation but has no idea how to go about it, he tries to find all sorts of ways around it, including bartering the task off instead of asking for help from a superior. Know whom you can go to for help and don’t be afraid of asking for help. It won’t do anyone any good if you can’t do the job you’ve been asked to do. Your superior/lecturer will get a substandard or incomplete piece of work and you won’t actually learn anything. Ask for assistance and you’ll also gain a new skill.
Lesson 3: Don’t make rash decisions when something has gone wrong.
“You don’t make major life decisions when you’re reeling from a loss.”-Jessica Pearson
When we are hurt, upset and angry, this can affect the way we think about things. It doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship breakup, a fail grade or something else entirely, never make a huge decision when something bad has happened that makes you question everything. Get away from the situation, go for a walk, sleep on it and then come back to it with a different perspective and a clear head.
Lesson 4: Always put your best foot forward
“First impressions last. Start behind the eight ball and you’ll never get in front.”- Harvey Specter
It doesn’t matter if it is your first day on the job or meeting your partner’s parents, whenever you meet new people, their opinions of you are usually formed within the first few seconds of meeting you. Always do your best work/give your best impression straight from the start. If it’s getting that new haircut, learning people’s names or brushing up on particular topics that could be of interest to your boss/interviewer/partner’s parents, etc., then do it!! It will make you look interested, polished and prepared, and really, who doesn’t want to have those words used to describe them?
Lesson 5: Own up to shortcomings and then get on with the job
If you have a problem, own up to it and tackle the problem head on. He may have been an unscrupulous man but Daniel Hardman had it right when upon his return to Pearson Hardman, he immediately called a meeting and told staff about his past wrongdoings in order to come clean and move forward.
If something has gone pear-shaped, it is always best to speak up and rectify the problem before it gets any bigger.
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