So the earth has made a full rotation around the sun again and it is time for those of us who believe in them to make New Year’s resolutions.
If you’re still making plans for the new year, here are some law student-appropriate resolutions for 2013...
In 2013 I (insert law student name) am determined to:
Meet a High Court judge – past, present (or future)
Land a legal job
Attend all classes
Begin my quest to adversely possess… something
Always check the bottom of any drinking container for snails
Learn to ‘step away from the desk’
Stop or attempt to reduce my procrastinating through stationery shopping/online shopping/law
Get through at least two non-law books a year
Score some awesome marks
Never again guarantee friends anything unless it’s a binding contract…
Stress less and enjoy life more
Actually read judgments in full
Have a healthy relationship with sunlight and not stay inside for weeks on end during exams
Eat better (less Maccas on the run)
Clean out my email inbox
Make time for fitness
Appreciate people more
Never ask a friend if he did it…
Stick to my resolutions…
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