Happy Australia Day, Survivors! After unearthing some brilliant law student blogs in 2012, we’ve trawled the Interwebz again to bring you some of our favourite blogs by Australia’s law students for your enjoyment in 2013.
Hayne J: Well, the premise from which I began was in fact intended to help your side of the case[...]
Mr. Kirk: Insofar as it is helpful, I adopt it.
Hayne J: Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
-Maloney v The Queen [2012] HCATrans 343 (12 December 2012)
Sometimes it can feel like the law is really dry and boring, but #shitjudgessay shows us that even members of the judiciary can have a sense of humour – whether they know it or not!
The blogger behind exolocuslaw is a distance law student talking us through the trials and tribulations of studying law from afar. Whether it’s forgetting cases after each semester (something we can all relate to), transferring courses, the relief of making it through contract law and courtroom tomfoolery, there’s always something at exolocus to make a law student smile.
The detailed (and voluntary!) extra-curricular research is what we admire most about The Black Letter. Jury stacking, welfare, sexting laws and DNA evidence all come under the microscope in this wide-ranging and informative blog. A+
Few law students will publicly discuss missing out on clerkships, but After Salazar does just that. In his vlog/blog, A.S. also talks about practical legal training, the joy of stationery shopping for the new year, and research topics, such as gay marriage (all fully referenced, of course).
UTS law student Marlowe is back on our list for 2013, sharing tales of broken technology, essay competitions, advocacy assessments, refugee law and work experience.
Leaving assessments to the last minute, taking on a massive mooting competition (again), braving a horror corporate law exam, sending out 60 applications for judges associate roles, and being thwarted by an iPad – just another year for Obiter Ovum, “keeping with the practice of being a bad law student.”
How would you get your brain juices flowing for another busy semester? If you’re anything like the University of Queensland law student behind Coffee & Cases, maybe a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle is the way to go. We really enjoy this blog for its honest and wide-ranging discussion of subjects like volunteering in refugee law and discovering that you can’t complain to your non-law friends about uni anymore.
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