With the end finally in sight, it seems strange that staying motivated in your final lap of the law school race would be difficult. This should be a happy and exciting time, right?
But apprehension about the future, the uncertainty of what you want to do with your degree and the pressing question of whether you can even find a job in your preferred area makes staying in law school and never graduating seem like a plausible career option in itself.
If you’ll soon be leaving the hallowed halls of law school, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your final year is a proper send off and that you are at least a little more prepared for the big bad world.
Don’t rush the end of your degree
Whatever you do, don’t race to the finish. While finishing university is an exciting prospect, it’s not a race to be won. We all have that friend who is taking a ridiculous number of subjects in an attempt to finish their degree earlier, but by taking law school at a sprint they miss out on all the good bits that just cannot be slotted into a busy timetable: the social events, the careers functions, the extra-curricular activities and the volunteer work.
Try some electives
Don’t be afraid to do an elective that none of your friends are doing or that might not fit into your career plan – a few electives are a great opportunity to learn about something different.
Get involved in everything
If you haven’t been to law ball and you want to, GO! If you’ve never mooted, why not? Do you think the LSS could be fun? Are you dying the join the Harry Potter Appreciation Society? Why are you sitting here and thinking about it? Make the most of your time-rich student lifestyle and enjoy your remaining semester(s) at university by enjoying those new and random activities you’ve always wanted to try.
Seek advice from those in the know
Get out there and ask questions. Academics, co-workers, family, friends, friends-of-friends could all hold the answers to many of the questions you need answered (even if you don’t know what the questions are yet). Having a chat to these people can open your mind to more post-uni options. After all, there is nothing worse than later thinking, “I wish I’d known that when I started!”
Follow your interests
Apply to everything that interests you, even if you think you have no chance. The worst that could happen is that you get a ‘better luck next time’ letter.
Don’t take a grad job because it’s what your friends are doing or because the pay is good. If you want to travel before beginning full time employment, or if you need a year off before deciding what you want, do it. You have so many paths to choose from, so take your time in assessing the options.
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