As law students we often talk about what we’ll do when we’re lawyers. But what won’t we do?
When I become a lawyer, I solemnly swear that I will not...
1. Name my kids after famous judges. I make no such promises in relation to my pets.
2. Pretend that I don’t watch Boston Legal (and love it).
3. Get a wheelie bag if I don’t genuinely need one.
4. Buy monogramed socks. It’s just going too far.
5. Only have lawyer friends.
6. Use lawyerly words like ‘fungible’ in everyday conversation.
7. Do anything like this law firm promotion.
8. Wear a suit on weekends. My uni hoodie is here to stay.
9. Pretend I don’t enjoy lawyer jokes.
10. Forget to get an expensive hobby, like golf or art collecting.
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