Happy Australia Day, Survivors! It’s time for our annual list of our favourite Australian law student blogs…
Expert Testimony
Expert Testimony is a final year law student from Queensland who writes about making friends at law school, the horrors of legal research, anxiety, grappling with assignments, law ball, clerkship applications, exams, relaxing, finding the best sandwich on campus, and everything in between.
#shitjudgessay is back on our blawgs list in 2014. Few would willingly spend their free time reading judgments and court transcripts in search of hilarious (or hilariously terse) comments from the bench, but we think the results are well worth it:
HAYNE J: Mr Walker, can I ask you this? What exactly are we meant to do with the last three minutes of your submissions?
MR WALKER: Your Honour, I put that because I considered it proper to respond to a letter from the Court and I have - - -
HAYNE J: Can I tell you what I take from it?
MR WALKER: Yes, your Honour.
HAYNE J: That if there is an elephant in the room we are not to look at it.
Unions NSW and Ors v State of New South Wales [2013] HCATrans 263 (5 November 2013)
Obiter Ovum
It’s been a long journey for Obiter Ovum, but he’s finally made it to graduation!
“In the past five years I have studied; 44 subjects, sat 8 exam blocks, been on four competitive moot teams, mentored students, been elected to the LSS, made a significant number of friends and called the Dean Darth Vader in a comedy debate. I have squeezed every experience I could out of my time here.”
The Elephant in the Room
The Elephant in the Room is the domain of Melbourne law student Maurie Del Citto, who covers a huge range of law school experiences like competitiveness, exams, careers fairs and wondering whether you’re really meant to be studying law.
Coffee & Cases
At Coffee & Cases, a third year arts/law student at the University of Queensland tackles holiday learning, mooting, asylum seeker policy, working out what to do after graduation, surviving jurisprudence, and the challenges of law and faith. C&C also answers law student questions.
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